International Player Clearances


International Player Clearances

Per FIFA player registration guidelines, all players that were born outside of the U.S. (regardless of citizenship) must submit for International Transfer Clearance. The NHSA, which is under the governance of USSF and FIFA, is now enforcing ITCs for all registered NHSA players who were born outside of the United States. The following provides a brief outline of two of the most common ITC requirements/forms for LSC players: 

Entry Prior to Age 12 Form: Players who entered the U.S. prior to the age of 12 (regardless of their current age) can supply a copy of an official document to prove that fact - e.g. report cards, immunization records, doctor records.

First Registration Form: 

  • U.S. Citizens - U.S. citizens born outside of the U.S. (regardless of their current age) may simply complete and sign the First Registration Form attesting that the player has never been registered at any level to play soccer in any other country. U.S. Soccer can immediately clear the player.

  • Non-U.S. Citizens - A player born outside of the U.S., who is currently over the age of 18, may also sign and complete the First Registration Form. U.S. Soccer will contact the foreign federation for confirmation, and the player will be cleared after confirmation has been received. 

Click here to see the ITC information posted by USSF. Forms and supporting paperwork must be completed and either mailed or scanned and emailed to Lightning SC directly.